Empowering Global Community Through Ayurvedic Wisdom

Welcome to the International Education Board of Ayurveda (IEBA), where we promote authentic Ayurvedic knowledge and holistic well-being. Our mission is to spread awareness and cultivate a global interest in Ayurveda.

two gray pencils on yellow surface
two gray pencils on yellow surface
Holistic Well-Being Advocates
Authentic Ayurvedic Education Providers

IEBA is dedicated to promoting balance between mind, body, and spirit through Ayurvedic principles. We offer standardized curriculums, certifications, and resources for achieving overall wellness worldwide.

Authentic Ayurveda

Discover the profound benefits of authentic ayurvedic knowledge with IEBA.

colored pencil lined up on top of white surface
colored pencil lined up on top of white surface
Holistic Well-being Resources

Explore comprehensive resources for achieving balance in mind, body, and spirit.

selective focal photo of crayons in yellow box
selective focal photo of crayons in yellow box
Standardized Ayurvedic Education

Ensure integrity with standardized curriculums and certifications at IEBA.

group of people wearing white and orange backpacks walking on gray concrete pavement during daytime
group of people wearing white and orange backpacks walking on gray concrete pavement during daytime
silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset
silhouette of child sitting behind tree during sunset
Global Ayurvedic Awareness

Join us in promoting ayurvedic practice worldwide for holistic well-being.

Cultivating Ayurvedic Interest

Let us spread awareness and knowledge about the profound benefits of ayurveda.